What does 34.BI-MU represent for you and which are the benefits of your participation?
BI-MU is definitely the trade show of reference for our sector and taking part in this event is now a tradition for us. Indeed, we have been present since the very first editions and we will not miss it this year, either. The decision-making process that determines our participation is not related to the trend of the market and to the economic period, unlike the choice of participating in other events: BI-MU has always been a permanent fixture for us, no matter what. At the exhibition, we will certainly have the opportunity to show the quality and technology of both our Rosa-branded and Favretto-branded machines, but not just that. 34.BI-MU will give us the possibility of presenting our values and our company as a serious, reliable enterprise with significant experience in the field.
Do you have special expectations from the next edition?
We expect to meet, as usual, our historical customers and gain new contacts. 34.BI-MU is a long-awaited event by both us exhibiting companies and the clientele. Therefore, we do not have any doubts regarding the attendance of customers and the success of the trade show, which will surely attract a large influx of visitors and offer a favourable atmosphere.
What are your predictions for the current and future trends of the sector? Do you think that October is a good month for the positioning of 34.BI-MU?
Compared to 2021 and 2022, years of important investments, 2023 was certainly less exciting. On the other hand, I cannot yet commit to commenting the performance of 2024. To date, the market scenario is still fluctuating and it is not yet clear how the situation will change. Despite this, BI-MU’s positioning in October is however favourable. Indeed, I think that, at least for the machinery sector, autumn is the best period to take part in a trade fair. In fact, October will be an ideal time to be able to finalise the investments budgeted during the year and lay the foundations for new projects for 2025, thanks to the meetings with the operators at BI-MU.
“… BI-MU’s positioning in October is however favourable because the autumn period, at least for the machinery sector, is an ideal time to finalize the investments budgeted during the year and lay the foundations for new projects for 2025 …” |
Going back to your participation in the exhibition: can you already give us some details of your display (stand, products, technologies …)?
Our stand will be an important showcase, where we will exhibit our tangential grinding machines for flat surfaces and profiles. A space will be specifically dedicated to our small-medium-sized machines with standard configuration, designed for all those visitors that are looking for “special deals”, available for immediate delivery and with fast set-up time. In addition, on show, we will also have models of our linear machines, equipped with a linear motor on the longitudinal movement of table. This type of solution, which we have been proposing since 2003, is our hallmark and intended for those who want to achieve highly efficient and productive grinding cycles in Creep Feed or an interpolation for profile grinding along the longitudinal axis. Finally, we will give visibility to our range of double-column portal (grinding) machines, which are not always easy to exhibit at trade shows. Actually, these are big machines “built on order” and, even without a direct display, we will be able to present them in the best way to customers interested in this type of product.
How do you see the future of your company? What are your next steps?
The future of our company will surely be targeted at process automation systems. Today, the need of the sector is to make machines easier to run or even make machines capable of operating without direct operator supervision. In order to follow up on this trend, we will work intensely to integrate process monitoring systems into machines and we will keep on reconsidering the factory environment according to these new dynamics.
Interview released in January 2024.