Milling, turning and CAD functions for daily CAM tasks
Pad. 15 stand E46
Previous versions of hyperMILL® already offer a broad range of functions and strategies for turning, turn-milling and mill-turning. The key extension in hyperMILL® TURNING Solutions is turret support for lathes. This also underscores OPEN MIND’s determination to push ahead with the integration of digital twins of machining centers: Lathes with one main spindle, one turret and a Siemens control system are now mapped with all tools true to the original machine with the help of hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining.
Reading Back Measuring Points
Another useful application of virtual machining technology is the reading back of measuring points. This means that users can use the 3D model of a component to see at a glance which measuring points are outside the tolerance. As a result, it becomes much easier to analyze inaccuracies and tool wear after milling and then compensate for these in the CAD/CAM system.
Improved Machining Strategies
A new algorithm for rest material detection ensures automatic complete detection of all rest material areas in both 3D and 5-axis machining. The algorithms for calculating the trajectory have also been optimized. The cutting edge machining for punching tools 3D strategy has undergone several improvements. This includes the optimization of collision avoidance when performing machining based on a reference job. Machining is carried out collision-free as far as this is possible for the given tool clamping length. The ‘Soft overlap’ option makes it possible to smoothen the approach and retraction moves. A new algorithm also improves the toolpath calculation for 3D plane machining, resulting in even faster, more uniform and more tool-friendly machining.
Safety in ‘Unmanned’ Production
To safeguard against long unattended machining cycles, hyperMILL® now allows tool breakage monitoring to be activated in the tool database to make it part of the machining program. This information is processed during NC generation on the virtual machine. The generated NC program includes the corresponding control macro call.
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