Artificial intelligence and robotics: towards a synergistic integration
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics: toward synergistic integration, second event (first held at 32.BI-MU) sponsored by the Working Group in AI and Robotics (AIRO) of AIxIA Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, in collaboration with SIRI Italian Association of Robotics and Automation) under the sponsorship of FAIR – Future Artificial Intelligence Research
Artificial Intelligence (AI), born in 1956 in the United States, since the second decade of the 2000s has been taking center stage in international scientific and media attention thanks to the emergence of generative AI and the development of large-scale language models. In this context, therefore, it becomes increasingly relevant to discuss how much and how AI, which had pervaded the world of robotics since the early 1970s, can have a disruptive impact today by opening up new research and development scenarios thanks to the introduction of scientific paradigms far more evolved than those used until now.
The meeting will briefly discuss advanced AI techniques and methodologies with special reference to the following topics: deep learning based on neural networks and robotic computer vision; intelligent distributed coordination of multi-robot systems; techniques for predicting the behaviors of multi-agent systems- human-robot cooperation and communication of mixed teams through adaptive intelligent interfaces; robot learning from demonstrations; verification and validation of the behavior of autonomous robotic systems; representation of information at different levels of abstraction for integration of cognitive processes.
The three introductory papers will be given by:
Matteo Matteucci, Politecnico di Milano
Luca Iocchi, Sapienza University of Rome
Alberto Finzi, University of Naples-Federico II
This will be followed by papers by:
Francesco Amigoni, Politecnico di Milano
Alberto Castellini, University of Verona
Gloria Beraldo, Institute of Sciences and Technologies of Cognition, CNR
Domenico Appendino, president of SIRI
Alessandro Santamaria, vice-president of SIRI
Ennio Chiatante, SIRI advisor
Enrico Pagello, University of Padua, SIRI advisor
Alberto Finzi, University of Naples Federico II, AIRO Co-Coordinator.